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Old 10-01-2002, 06:13 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Can anyone offer me any assistance on how to use Airsnort? I have Airsnort installed but have absolutely no idea on how to operate it not to mention that documentation seems to be scarce or nonexistent.
I have several friends/colleagues who have wireless networks. It is my intent to demonstrate to them the vulnerabilities of these networks and WEP.
What I would really like to do is use Airsnort to gather the necessary information to access the network, then demonstrate to them that I can surf the web via their WAP. When I open Airsnort it shows that its capturing data and it shows the BSSID as well as some other information but I don't quite understand it all or know how to use it to access the wireless net. Thanks in advance for any suggestions or help on this subject.
Old 10-02-2002, 08:54 AM   #2
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This question puts LQ community in a rather precarious position- whether to help a potential cracker or not. You've already got AirSnort work and collecting data so you are on the right track. I'm sure with the SSID and the other data you've got some clues to access their WAP. From what I gather, you probably need to do a little more reading on wireless networking. I'm pretty sure that has a Wireless HOWTO to get you started.
Old 08-01-2007, 11:42 PM   #3
Adriaan Nikken
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I just went to the and there was no such mention of airsnort on the search I did. Since this is a linux site people should be prepared for tough questions like this one, but then that is what I have come to expect here. Extreme favoritism.
Old 08-02-2007, 03:52 AM   #4
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Here's the howto and I too think you will benefit from it:
Anyway, I'm not that bothered if you are a cracker or not so here is a guide on how to crack WEP:

Still, you should remember that the responsible thing to do is to tell them to use WPA/WPA2 and to show them how easy it is to crack WEP.
Old 08-02-2007, 07:11 AM   #5
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Please be aware that LQ doesn't allow discussions about how to crack security. You're intentions may be noble, but then again, maybe not.

I've asked the mods to make a call on this one.
Old 08-02-2007, 05:23 PM   #6
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I ask you to try and see things our way. First of all there's the technical side. If you don't understand then reading up on things is what you should do first. The Airsnort site refers to the Fluhrer doc. You should have no trouble slocating a copy on the 'net. There's more sites carrying docs / HOWTO's about exploiting RC4 weakness / cracking WEP. Finally Airsnort does come with docs and a FAQ. Reading that should give you some ideas.

Then there's liability. While we at LQ think there's no harm in providing technical details and guidelines we do not provide support in cases where legitimacy questions can't be answered sufficiently. Sometimes it is the moderators call to make that judgement. When we do that we do it only to safeguard and protect what LQ stands for.

Finally, finding the docs and procedure isn't hard at all. If after reading all of that you still don't get it, with all due respect, maybe you shouldn't be the one "testing" your "friends" WLAN's.

I decided to close this case, if you have any problems with it please take it up with me by email.
Thanks in advance for understanding.

Originally Posted by Adriaan Nikken
Since this is a linux site people should be prepared for tough questions like this one, but then that is what I have come to expect here. Extreme favoritism.
I don't know what your 0xBEEF is but it certainly is out of place here.
Please post any complaints in /General or the /Suggestions forum.

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