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jeremy 12-17-2009 10:49 AM

A chance to win the last subscription has now been posted to twitter:


vyncynt 12-17-2009 10:51 AM

hope this second post will make me have it, thanks jeremy & LQ staff.

ferris_bewley 12-17-2009 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by jeremy (Post 3792919)
Greenfuse, as you have to log in to post you would indeed now be eligible.


Woo hoo! ...then I am eligible too!

labdad2 12-17-2009 12:21 PM

First time posting and chance for a free Linux Pro subscription
First time posting and chance for a free Linux Pro subscription How cool is that. I haven't had a chance to post since joining LQ and now I have a shot at a 12 mo. subscription to Linux Pro Mag. Thanks!

VipX1 12-17-2009 01:25 PM

...Cheers LQ...

squidhm3 12-17-2009 02:19 PM

Pretty cool indeed..
Gotta admit I'm impressed. Never heard of Linux Pro magazine, I read Linux Journal (MUCH cheaper) but this IS intriguing!

ChelleBell 12-17-2009 02:26 PM

Awesome quote beatupbillly! And a SWEET offer from LQ! I haven't posted prior to this because, to be honest, I'm just getting set-up again and learning the ropes. I had done Mandrake around '04 / '05, but it didn't work with my sound card and there was just too many things I needed that it did not offer :( Oh how far things have come since then!I'm now running Ubuntu and still tinkering with it to get it set up to my comfort, an ability which Microsquish has been slowly taking away. I am so impressed with how far things have come in the last few years - the Linux community has obviously pulled together and I'm glad to see it! I've hated Microsoft since they released '95 too early just to beat out OS2, who was ready, but had yet to release. '95 was no where near ready and they haven't released anything yet that did not suffer issues. Now I understand that 7 is supposed to be just that, and they have returned to their roots, so to speak, as far as attempting to release a more stable product, that is not such a resource hog. Its a shame that it took so many switching to a Mac and its gain in popularity and a recession/depression to do so, but I don't care. They don't care about their customers and I can prove that, but not only that, competition has driven them and until recently as they have lost more and more customers to Macintosh, they clearly thought they had no competition and have treated more and more people, humans with disdain and with all the piracy fears, like they are criminals.
I've always believed in the Linux concept, and am very glad to see it where it is now. Free and working well! I was ecstatic to see Red Hat being the OS on so many new computers, so to the community I'll coin a phrase, "You've come a long way, baby!" and as some one who has been watching from afar for years I would like to offer you all my sincere congratulations. Me, I'm not a programmer, not into that kind of thing really...don't have the time to invest (3 kids, one Autistic, and I have Fibromyalgia with all the wonderful conditions it comes with, especially Migraines) and as someone who did a little programming in college, I know how tedious and meticulous programming can be, has to be, so you all have my sincerest respect as well as congratulations! I guess, in the end, what I'm trying to say is that to those who are working hard to make programs that work on Linux, to make Linux you have my gratitude, my respect and my kudos. Thank you for making the transition from Windows so smooth an experience and thank you for enabling me to finally leave Microsquish in the past where they have belonged since 1996 ('95 was released in early '96 and still wasn't right!). I'm an ex-tech, who also used to teach computers and I still have a following, my "groupies" to this day. They all know how I feel about Microsquish, I've never hidden my hatred and frustration with them and their bugged out products. Now I get to tell them that we don't have to suffer any longer and we don't have to spend thousands of dollars on Macintosh to do it!
In a day and age that has become what it was planned to be for over 2 decades, computer ridden where computers have become necessities, not just nice things to have, with each and every country suffering financially, with more importantly, its people suffering financially from the oil crunch (supposed crunch, anyway, Exxon made 20.6 billion in profits last year), I expect more and more people to filter over and at the same time that worries me as since most viruses are aimed at Microsquish products because they are the most widely used and especially by big business, I worry that as more and more people and business shift to other products, free or not, they will be targeted more frequently as well. Then again, maybe not, maybe Microsquish products are targeted because they are such asses and full of themselves and because big business buys into their hype, who likes to screw their customers and often pisses them off... I guess we will see and I believe we will. the programmers, I just wanted to say thank you and let you know you have been admired by afar. I also wanted to let those of you who are not american know there are still many of us who are not "capitalist pigs" as we are called. There are still some of us who remain humble and true, and with the Green movement I expect that to increase by loads in the near future! I won't apologize for the capitlist asses in this country, I don't feel that obligation, those of us who are not despise them as much as those from other countries do and don't make excuses for their assinine behavior, but hold them to it. Anyway, I just wanted to let the programmers on here know that they are appreciated and while I cannot join them (would love to but can't) I'm certainly not opposed to testing things and giving objective feedback. I'm not afraid to mess my computer up, I've done that a lot, Microsquish has done that a lot, so I've always reaped the benefit of knowing that you should always keep your stuff backed up because you could wake up tomorrow and it could be gone. I know the word "format" well, but I've also known the entire time that Linux was more stable and it is. Anyway, before I go off on, yet another long topic, I'll end with a Happy Holidays, regardless of belief (anti-theist myself) and a hope to get to know you all better in the new year!
Chelle Bell

alibm 12-17-2009 03:39 PM


ctdaemon 12-17-2009 03:42 PM

Im here! This is a great offer. Maybe kind of funny that I'm writing this while managing a christmas play... on my Linux XD

tbeardenjr 12-17-2009 05:00 PM

I hope I win!

tbeardenjr 12-17-2009 05:16 PM

@ ChelleBell

For your Fibromyalgia, take vitamin D3 supplements. I'd take a minimum of 5000iu per day and probably up to 15,000iu a day. Not in every case, but in many cases, Fibromyalgia is a result of being deficient of vitamin D3. Google it and try to find some stuff written by Bill Sardi on vitamin D3 and Fibromyalgia. You'll of course see arguments going both ways, but there is strong evidence supporting the use of vitamin D3. Good luck!

FrancesL 12-17-2009 05:38 PM

Well, maybe this would be a good Christmas pressie for me! I would have something to read, always a pleasure, and the chance to learn..a greater pleasure!
Merry Christmas All:Pengy:

newslack 12-17-2009 08:23 PM

i want the magazine too!

maverick1986 12-17-2009 10:01 PM

logging in for the contest!!!

kaziislam 12-17-2009 11:00 PM

me too :-)
ok I am logged on for the contest :-)

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