Originally Posted by bigrigdriver
Have you looked into the yast settings menu? You may have something set to prevent displaying the list of software.
No actually when i run command yast or yast2 from prompt, it goes to the yast menu.
But yast menu displays blank on the the right side of the page as i showed in pic. Nothing comes on the right side of the page no options nothing, only on the left side i can see the options like SOFTWARE, HARDWARE, NETWORK. . etc. . i can select those options too on leftside, but nothing displays on right side as shown in pic.
Originally Posted by Knightron
Im not treating you like a dumb arse, but sometimes the most obvious solution is overlooked; I for example couldn't get my wireless on my laptop to work when I first got it only to discover it was because I hadn't turned it on with the hardware switch.
anyways have you tried going down to the desired section in the left and pressing space or enter?
Chill i don mind at all. Anywayz i have tried going down or up or right/ space etc. .
But nothing displays on the left side as shown in pic.
I think yast packages needs to be reinstalled or repair or update has to be done. I am looking for SLES 10 SP1 DVD. .