torsmo and xft fonts
I am having the same problem. To answer your question- xft handles the anti-aliasing of fonts. It comes with XFree86, and is invoked by most window-managers (fluxbox, openbox, gnome, etc.). Fonts are a particularly aggravating issue under Linux, and I'm not real sure how to reference my antialiased fonts in the .torsmorc file. For instance, xlsfont identifies one of my antialiased (via xft) true-type fonts as follows: -altsys-jsl blackletter-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1
But how do I refer to this font for the config line #Xft font to use when Xft is enabled
Also, when I tell the config line #Use Xft? use_xft yes about half the time torsmo tells me
torsmo: Xft not enabled.
But this happens only when I specify the font under #Xfont used.
I'd like to find a guide that explains the syntax of the torsmorc config file