Apologies for the delayed response - it's great to hear that you have solved it unknowncat.
Just to 'flesh it out' a bit for the benefit of the archives:
For me PHP.INFO gives this as far as errors are concerned:
display_errors On On
error_log /var/log/php.err /var/log/php.err
error_reporting 6135 {This is: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE}
html_errors On On
log_errors On On
track_errors Off Off
There is a debugging option, display_startup_errors which defaults to off, I've never used it myself and I'm told it's a hungry monkey.
Database response issues can be a pain and I've made plenty of errors where I've had the 'white screen of no response' only to find a database had not connected, queried etc. Thankfully 'die' tends to help me lots:
mysql_connect(....) or die( "cant connect to db");
More subtle logic errors, such as when a database fails to return results, give me a headache and I usually check and trap with something like this:
PHP Code:
if (mysql_query($sql))
//it's all good here - do our stuff
echo mysql_error();
Perl, on the otherhand, has a slightly different way of reporting errors:
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
This is probably of no benefit to you unknowncat, but I hope it will help anyone searching google/archives for the Blank Screen Issue.