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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 07-19-2004, 10:53 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: flatland
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.3
Posts: 5

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Works too good - How do I turn off 1 of 2 graphics card

Well, I've got Mandrake 10 up and running on an old Y2K PowerSpec, even got Java and LimeWire working!

The system has two graphics cards, an onboard IBM i810, and a generic Jaton Trident Blade.

My monitor is hooked to the 810, but I've read the Blade is a better card, and would like to strictly use that card. I can't use two monitors (no room).

When Linux boots, it is recognizing both cards. It looks like I have almost everything I need pumping through my 810, which appears to be the primary default screen. When I moved the monitor over to the Trident to see if it was working, the screen showed a blank Linux background and toolbar which was hiding off the bottom of the screen (I'll fix this resolution problem later, I guess).

This answered the question of where my mouse was disappearing to for long periods of time off to the right, and I also found the loudspeaker control on this second screen (I really need it on the primary screen).

Is there some sort of GUI I can use to (a) move the loudspeaker control to the main screen; and (b) deactivate the 810 so that I am using only the Trident?

I've read about the Clone capability, and would be willing to try that instead of deactivation. I would assume in this case that the loudspeaker control would show up on both screens.

There is all sorts of help on moving up to two screens, but not much on moving back down to just one.

Many thanks,

Old 07-19-2004, 11:28 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Maine
Distribution: LFS Mint OS, LFS, CENTos,
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 18
Not sure about clone capability, but you might try a google search on that. As far as using only one card, try disabling the card in bios. Usually onboard video cards come with that ability. But that is only an option if no one knows about cloning. Which I dont

Old 07-19-2004, 05:37 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jul 2004
Location: flatland
Distribution: Linux Mint 18.3
Posts: 5

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Good try -- the BIOS only let me switch to the PCI card for the boot sequence. Mandrake was still grabbing both cards and setting up a double monitor display by default.

Here's another thread I'm tracking on the same issue:

My command line skills are as rusty as my old suburban. Anybody know of any GUI's around I can use to fix this? If not, how do I fix it using the console?

Old 07-20-2004, 07:21 AM   #4
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Maine
Distribution: LFS Mint OS, LFS, CENTos,
Posts: 119

Rep: Reputation: 18
Well both cards must be configured in /etc/X11/XF86Config-*. So by going in an removing the lines specific to that card, you shouldn't attempt to load that driver when loading X.


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