win98 on E: and winxp on C:\> ?????
Wont work, W98 craves C:\>
the only way you may succeed with that is by installing W98 as normal
on C:\> and then open our computer and physically move your HD from master to slave. in which case you will have a very slow_loading W98 that will lie to you by saying that it is on C:\> while it's actually are placed as f ex e:\>.
I remember doing it once by misstake at a friends place, a long time ago.
When 98 still was in beta_stadium
XP you can put on a secondary but W98 has to be
on your first primary Partition C:\> . No wonder it crashed
Now i'm not sure on what/how you have done anymore
Still, i'll leave it be and hope for the best .
When you installed linux you choose to put your bot manager on your HDA:s MBR? What one would call C:\ in dos right.
You have'nt gotten around to install Linux at all?
In which case you can disregard my question.
You could buy a floppy drive (usb f ex), they are cheap,
then search in google for boot diskettes for W_XP (five floppy's).
with them you may repair your original MBR/boot (as described above).
But no guaranty. It is after all XP.
You have W98 also, you could try to start with a start/system diskette for W98.
( Your W98_kernel_version system diskette ).
Or configure your computer (in your Bios) to start from an
usb_memory stick in wich you put your W98 start/system diskette.
Then after starting you go from the a:\> prompt to the c:\> prompt by writing
< c: >, then you will see the c:\> prompt in your dos (_black_that_is) window.
The reason why you need the absolute right W98 kernel
is because now you now will write this < fdisk /mbr > .
If it's the right kernel and you write exactly as i show you here there wont be any error_messages, actually no messages at all if all goes well.
With a Little luck you then will have restored your W98/W_XP dual boot.
Even simpler, put in your W98_boot_CD, get out of the installation GUI
( Graphical User Interface ) that is.
Then go to c:\windows\command by writing :
< c: > then < cd windows > then < cd command >
where 'cd' stands for 'call directory'.
After that you just do an < fdisk /mbr > and reboot without startdiskette / CD
That is because W98 keeps a copy of its MasterBootRecord which you now will have installed over the broken one.
If worst comes to worst you may get the better of those two OS:es back. Windows 98 that is
Because: i don't know in which order you installed the two original OS:es.
If you installed XP first and then installed W98, ahh well, it's still worth a try
But either way you will have (as far as i know) to reinstall your Linux.
If you had installed it, that is...
Maybe there are some simple way of repairing your MBR
from Linux but i have'nt found it yet.
If there is i would love it
BTW: you wont destroy any data on your HD:s by trying this..
Regards Yoron.