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Old 09-13-2004, 12:45 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2004
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Unhappy WinXP + Fedora Core 2 = bootloader problem

i'm very very new in linux..
yesterday i tried to install fedora core 2 in my PC..i decided to use 2 OS..winXP n Fedora core 2
i have 4 partition in my hd..
3 are FAT32 n 1 in format linux ext 2(i used partition magic to make it)..
so when i install fedora core 2..i choose to remove all linux partition so i can format it automaticly...
i follow the instruction till i found the bootloader configuration..
in this section i click fedora core n others (forgot to add Windows XP)..
so when i finnished..n my PC shows like this


when i choose to boot my PC in all probs there..
but when i choose to boot from others..nothing happen
it shows rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

how can i solve this problems??
Old 09-13-2004, 12:54 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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boot from a FC2 cd using "linux rescue" at the boot prompt

follow the instructions there

at the end
#chroot /mnt/sysimage

then do

#vi /etc/grub.conf

post that here

Old 09-13-2004, 04:31 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
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This article should be what you need to get things up and running again:
Old 09-13-2004, 05:28 AM   #4
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Originally posted by demoncheese
This article should be what you need to get things up and running again:
i dont understand the article..
can somebody explain to me how to solve this problem step by step..
( i have no idea where to start)
Old 09-13-2004, 05:58 AM   #5
LQ Guru
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i provided the steps above in the post
can u get them?

Old 09-13-2004, 08:16 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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Originally posted by masand
i provided the steps above in the post
can u get them?

i tried but nottin' happend...if i uninstall winXP still exist or not??

Last edited by tmitz; 09-13-2004 at 08:26 PM.
Old 09-14-2004, 12:12 PM   #7
LQ Guru
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to make windows run for u after removing grub u need to do the following
this will; not remove ur linux,u can still get linux if u restore grub

so,to remove grub

boot from a win98 cd
at the command prompt
#fdisk /mbr
will remve grub and rewrite the windows MBR to it

or boot from a winxp/200 cd in to recovery console
and use "fixmbr"

Old 09-15-2004, 08:45 PM   #8
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sorryy...all the step i tried but nothin ' happen.Now i loss all my data

please paste here the url that shows how to install FC2 with WinXp..

let me tell u guys what i've did before..

firstly i make the partitions again (deleted when tried to solve this prob)
i make 4 partition. C : i set to fat32 n install XP on it (this ok..i'm fimiliar with windows)
then i boot from xp n install partition magic..
at there i formatted D and E to fat32 and F: to linux ext 3..( i'm not sure)

then i boot from FC2 cd n start to install it..
i choose as workstation n when i have problem to make the partition using disk druid..
so i choose automatic partition n remove all linux partition..

the installation success but the bootloader prob appear..
i tried many times but the results are same..

please paste here the url that shows how to install FC2 with WinXp..especially the step hoe to partitoning using disk druid..
i'm getting crazy with this linux

before i forgot..i got a message when installing FC2..

"unable to align partition properly. this probably means that another partitioning tool generated an incorrect partition table, because it didn't have the correct BIOS geometry. it is safe to ignore, but ignoring may cause (fixable)problem with some boot loader"

Last edited by tmitz; 09-15-2004 at 09:32 PM.
Old 09-16-2004, 03:11 AM   #9
Registered: Jan 2004
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Ok tmitz,
If you are going to start from scratch (since you have lost all you data - but are u sure?? You could always install windows and use file recovery to get back all ur data) This is what i would do.
--Format the disk .
--Install Windows ( i dont know why u prefer fat 32 but ntfs is better to my knowledge, especially for windows xp. Its always good to install windows before u install linux.
--I would suggest you run checkdisk in windows to fix any errors.
--Now using partition magic or say the windows CD itself to create another partition . But do not format the partition. Leave it as unallocated space. Do not use partition magic to format a linux partition . It screws up badly(personal experience).
--So now you have a NTFS partition with windows and another partition which is not formatted and hence wouldnt show up in windows.
--Now reboot with FC2 cd and choose to install in the free space.
--This works and i have done it many times.
--But now if your previous installation has messed up ur cylinders or has created bad sectors i guess gaurav or anybody could help you better than me. I have screwed up linux and win xp many times and believe me it gets better once you get it running.
Old 09-16-2004, 08:15 PM   #10
LQ Newbie
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1 question more..
Is this bugs (bootloader problem) only happen in FC2 n XP??
if this problems not appears in Redhat 9 n XP...I think i better use Redhat than FC2..

or any suggestion??
Old 10-10-2004, 11:32 PM   #11
LQ Newbie
Registered: Oct 2004
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I'm having the same problems, with the bootloader being stupid and whatnot.

I'm fairly sure that this is unrelated, but upon booting Linux I get a billion 'hdc: drive not ready for command'. Not a problem, really, but I'm the kinda person who will hate something just because it is functional but not perfect. I think it's a problem with the CD burner, but it's functioning perfectly.

About my set up: Dual Pentim III 800 Mhz, SCSI 17 gig (where Windows XP lives), Maxtor 60 gig in Primary IDE Master, nothing in Primary Slave; Secondary IDE Master is the hdc CD burner (20x by Phillips), Slave is a DVD Burner.

Masand asked for the contents of the file: (Since I'm going to have to type it out, it will likely contain errors and I'm not going to include all of those comments inside the file)

title Fedora Core (2.6.5-1.358smp)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.5-1.358smp ro root-LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.5-1.358smp.img
title Fedora Core (2.6.5-1.358)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.5-1.358 ro root-LABEL=/ rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.5-1.358.img
title Windows
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
chainloader +1

Some things I'd like to note: I don't know why Linux has decided it has two versions. It doesn't. I've wiped out this drive countless times, and it'll always have two versions. I don't even know what 'smp' means. I'll assume it means smoke more pot because I'm sorta thinking Linux is getting a little high on my machine.

Linux will, as I may have hinted earlier, boot. The only problems in it booting is the HDC problem, which I (again) think is caused by faulty firmware. The Windows just doesn't boot. All it does is echo that command listed under Windows up there.

If you determine there's a problem with running it off of the scsi, I'll install Windows onto the 60 gig (again) and try it (again). But I've already tried, and didn't work any better. And it still didn't explain why Linux was listed twice.

Thanks so much for your help.


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