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Old 12-20-2003, 07:06 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2003
Location: portland, or USA
Posts: 1

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Winmodem driver for viking 56k mandrake 9.1 - help!

I have an old NEC laptop I just installed Mandrake 9.1 on. Kernel is 2.4.21.

I *barely* have a clue about how to use Linux, but I am learning. :-) My primary difficulty at the moment is that I have extremely limited internet access (read: no other computer) and also finding the online help on winmodems to be a bit above my head at the moment.

I ran 'scanmodem' to try and identify my chipset, to no avail. Apparently the modem has a non-standard or ISA bridge (whatever that means). Although for some reason the modem is detected by my dialup program in Gnome (KPPP).

I am looking for someone who can walk me through the process, so I can truly get on my feet. I would be infinitely grateful. In fact, for your time I would be happy to do some kind of trade of services. Document proofreading/editing, for example...

Hopefully there is a binary out there for this modem...I still don't know. I have as much detail as I could get about the modem, but I still don't know where to go from there. As to installing the driver should I get one, I don't have much of a clue.

Viking 3.0-V2-K56 / V.90 Flex / RC 56DPF L8570A Rev.

Any help that moves me in the direction of the desirde outcome is welcome. Any solid help taking me through the process is warmly encouraged.

Thank you,



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