Hey, i just found a game at
http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~cs8k-cyu/windows/tf.html that i think is a lot of fun. Anyway, i didn't want to have to boot into windows all the time to play it so i tried to get it running with wine. Wine is set up reasonably well on my machine, and runs most small apps like this one. But for some reason, whenever i try to run this, it gives me an error message (displayed in a windows dialog box, though) that i have the wrong version of Win32s installed, and that i need Win32s version 1.15 to run it. I looked through the wine documentation, and it says that w32skrnl.dll, the win32s dll, will never work natively and i have to use the builtin one. Where do i go from here? (play that game and you'll understand why i want it on linux so badly
). Thanks for any help.