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Old 12-02-2016, 09:51 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Dec 2016
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Windows 7 dual boot disk read error

Hey everybody! I'm a new member here, in fact I just signed up to ask this question, and need some help understanding something. So Ive had the bug to dual boot linux for quite some time now and today I finally got around to doing so. I'm completely new to linux and I decided to go with Kali linux and after a successful installation and restart I was provided with the GRUB menu giving me the option of booting into Kali or Windows 7.

I boot Kali with no problem everything runs smooth so I restart and try booting into Windows but get a black screen with an error saying "A disk read error occurred press ctrl+alt+del to restart" I was freaking out because I thought windows was corrupted and Id need my repair disk, (which I don't have!) to fix windows.

After some research I found people were saying to highlight Windows 7 in GRUB menu and press E to edit. After that look for:

insmod ldm
set root= /ldm/(lotofnumbers)/volume1

and change them to read:

insmod part_msdos
set root= ' hd0 ,msdos1 '

Problem is, mine were already set to that by default and it wasn't working so instead I changed insmod to ldm and left set root at ' hd0 ,msdos1 ' and was able to boot into windows no problem and I have no idea why that worked. Hopefully that all makes sense and maybe someone could enlighten me as to why that worked????

Either way Im happy, got both OS' to run on my first dual boot with minor tweaks just not exactly sure why lol)
Old 12-03-2016, 05:54 PM   #2
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Why did you pick kali ?.
kali is a penetration testing distro - certainly not a "day-to-day" Linux, and more certainly not a newbie choice. You will likely run into more problems (and frustrations) than had you picked a more mainstream Linux distro.

Open a terminal run this (as root or sudo) and post the output so we can see the disk structure
parted /dev/sda "print free"


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