will installing grub to my MBR screw up anything?
Hey all, I posted a question before with no answers so I'm going to ask a different question. I have a SATA raid 0 setup running winxp and want to load Fedora. I have a separate slave drive connected to the main IDE bus so it's not involved in the raid 0. When I try to install Fedora, it doesn't recognize my Promise Fasttrak 378 controller or something because it keeps giving me errors about the two raid array drives. At the disk partitioning screen, I only see my slave hdb5 drive. It doesn't even see the raid array. BTW I have 6 drives and Fedora only sees 1. So I installed Fedora on my slave drive on the main IDE telling it to put the grub on the first boot sector of the drive (hdb5), NOT in the hda MBR fearing that it'll mess up my winxp or the raid array since it doesn't recognize the controller properly. Now when I reboot winxp loads up normally and there is no grub. I heard somewhere that I have to use a boot cd to boot into Fedora? But I'd rather not use a boot cd every time i want to use linux. Will installing grub on the MBR mess up my raid or winxp since fedora can't see my controller?