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thewhitetyrone 01-17-2010 06:29 PM

wifi problems
New to Linux. Still Newbing around trying to find out how to get my Belkin F5D7010 card to work. It sees the card but will not detect any networks and i am currently using WiCD. Hopefully i can find some good advice here. Running latest download for Mint 8 helena. Using an NDIS wrapper at the moment as well. I also ran the following commands and got this as a result.

sudo /usr/lib/linuxmint/mintWifi/

* I. scanning WIFI PCI devices...
* II. querying ndiswrapper...
* III. querying iwconfig...
lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

wmaster0 no wireless extensions.

wlan0 IEEE 802.11bg ESSID:""
Mode:Managed Frequency:2.412 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated
Tx-Power=20 dBm
Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

pixellany 01-17-2010 06:54 PM

iwconfig is telling us that the wireless card is recognized.

Next try:

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan

Assuming that you find an appropriate access point, you can connect using iwconfig. "sudo man iwconfig" for all the details.

Easier is to install WICD---or use the tools supplied with Mint (Have you tried them?).

evo2 01-17-2010 06:54 PM

This device has a native driver in the kernel: rtl8180. In general it is better to use the native drivers, not ndiswrapper. Have you tried the native driver?


thewhitetyrone 01-17-2010 08:49 PM

I do have Wicd and it doesnt fix the issue and I have tried the tools i could find im pretty lost and its my first time trying Linux. Still trying to work my way through terminal and using more hands on approaches. Guess I am a spoiled windows user lol. As for the native driver not really sure how to use it. When I did the install all i did was update and get WiCd. I also downloaded WiFi radar, but I cant see any networks through that either. With the 1st program that comes with Mint 8 Helena I could see the networks I just couldnt connect. Now I cant even see the networks.

evo2 01-17-2010 09:09 PM

Installing the native driver is just a matter of (as root/sudo):

modprobe rtl8180
In fact the above is probably done automatically at boot time and trying to use the ndiswrapper driver at the same time may even be the cause of your problems.

What prompted you to use ndiswrapper in the first place?


thewhitetyrone 01-18-2010 08:06 AM

My step bro intoduced me to Mint and we just assumed we were using the wrapper since its what we had to do when I tried PCLOS. Here is what I get when I use the command line you just gave me.

modprobe rtl8180
WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release.
WARNING: Error inserting eeprom_93cx6 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/drivers/misc/eeprom/eeprom_93cx6.ko): Operation not permitted
WARNING: Error inserting mac80211 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/net/mac80211/mac80211.ko): Operation not permitted
FATAL: Error inserting rtl8180 (/lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/rtl818x/rtl8180.ko): Operation not permitted

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