I really appreciate your help access2nitan..Here's what happening with me:
I'm trying to follow the steps provided in the link you sent me.
Whenever I try to install any of the following rpms, here's what i get:
for the createrepo:
I tried installing deltarpm, python-deltarpm but i get:
Missing Dependency: librpmio.so.1() (64 bit) is needed by package deltarpm- 3.5-0.5 20090913git.e16.x86_64
For the vsftpd i get:
Missing Dependency: libssl.so.10() (64 bit) is needed by package vsftpd- 2.2.2-6 e16.x86_64
Everytime I try to do something on this linux machine i get blocked
I would really appreciate any suggestions
Thanks again