Question one: If you are new to Linux, why are you using Backtrack at all? It is not intended as beginner-friendly distribution, it is intended for penetration testing (and often abused to illegally break into other networks, you won't do that, or?). Go for simplyMepis, Mint or PCLinuxOS if you want a beginner-friendly distribution.
Question two:
it says in the forums that this card should be working but it isnt in my case.
Please be more specific, what actually is not working, which error messages do you get?
Question three:
every time i try to use it it comes up with an error saying "error no such file or directory"?
Mostly, error messages are somewhat useless (especially such generic ones) without knowing which command you launched that brings up that message.
Question four:
i am using a usb and cannot access my actual pc when using backtrack as i boot it from usb.
What do you mean with that?