why rhel4 samba "user security" setting diffrence with rhel5?
hi, i already finish configure rhel4 samba server, this rhel4 samba server i using the samba GUI tool to configure, than i configure this server global setting "basic authentication options" as a "user" not share,server and domain. I already add the samba user to this rhel4 samba server.ok than i use my winxp system to connect to this rhel4 samba server, example in address bar: \\mysambaserver\samba . than prompt out the box to ask me to enter the user name and password, ok it is working, but when i using same method to apply to my new rhel5 samba server than problem is when i enter \\mysambaserver\samba . than prompt out the box to ask me to enter the user name and password,but this time the place to enter the "username" is blank(cannot lets me keyin) just only have a password to keyin, but cannot use because i cannot enter the user name. After i try many time, than i directly copy configure file from rhel4 to rhel5, but still same?? why rhel4 ok, and rhel5 not ok?
*on winxp client side connect to rhel4 samba server "user authentication" i can enter "username"and"password", But in rhel5 i cannot enter "username"but can enter "password",so i cannot login to samba server.*
Thank you.