This problem is related to IP forwarding, NATING and DNS. Look on your Dell PC set static IP:
IP address : xx.xx.xx.xx
Gateway IP : router's IP to which your DEL PC is connected
DNS Server: put dns server IP here (If your router itself is DNS server as well as working as a gateway then put same router's IP)
First let me know What is infrastructure there:
1 Internet wire connected to Internet Router -------> Your Local router -------> Dell PC
2 Internet wire connected to Internet Router -------> Dell PC
If you are in first case then IP forwarding will be required at your local router. Also at local router you have to redirect TCP port 80 requests to your main internet router (your main internet router is your DNS server (I consider it)) i.e. NATING
If you are in second case no IP forwarding is required. No need to redirect your connections. It will work simply after setting IPs statically
Note: In our case main internet router provided by PTCL (internet provider) is itself configured for NATTING and ip forwarding. So I considered same scenario for you.
Last edited by uk.engr; 07-21-2012 at 05:25 AM.