The "gcc" selection can be viewed in the Package Manager
= Synaptic, using one of the two "Search" windows.
Or by the command : apt-cache search gcc
Result Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic :
gcc-4.1, gcc-4.2, gcc-4.3, gcc-4.4
Ref. post # 4 : @ GrapefruiTgirl :
Installing : 1)
sudo apt-get install g++-4.1 g++-4.2 g++-4.3
2) Getting version 3.3 and / or 3.4 : use the "6" .deb
packages from e.g. Hardy
gcc-3.3, cpp-3.3, gcc-3.3-base. g++-3.3, libstdc++5
libstdc++5-3.3-dev .. install with :
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
ls /usr/bin/gcc* : gcc , gcc-3.3 , gcc-4.3 , gcc-4.4
ls /usr/bin/g++* : g++ , g++-3.3 , g++-4.3 , g++-4.4
All extras, here 3.3 and 4.3 have unique filenames,
so you can do "export" (see post # 5) or , example :
make CC=gcc-3.3 CXX=g++-3.3
Debian - Ubuntu, Redhat - Fedora - CentOS, Mandriva -
PCLinuxOS, Suse , Slackware :
all have extra "compat" compilers,
.. to be installed at the same time.
P.S. :
You can even use multible compilers for the same program :
Different settings in the ''s in the different
sections of the software :
CC = gcc<version>
CPP = g++<version>