which mail server?
I have read too many online docs on how to setup a mail server - but i really want to know how others are configuring their mail servers and what software components are you using?
one of the docs i read recommended the following:
clamav clamav-server clamav-update clamav-lib clamav-data
Would that make up-to-date mail server? is that the right choice of packages that are being used now a days?
What would you choose to make your own server? for example would you add or remove any package to secure the configuration?
Between, postfix, sendmail and Zimbra? What would be the choice based on ease of setup, scalability and maintenance?
Dovecot Vs. courier imap?
I am sorry if someone has already asked the same question in here before.
Thank you in advance
Last edited by m2azer; 12-05-2007 at 10:20 PM.