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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
Just starting out and have a question? If it is not in the man pages or the how-to's this is the place!


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Old 11-30-2007, 08:39 AM   #16
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Central Florida 20 minutes from Disney World
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The wonderful 'ASR-33'. Many a hour in front of the old clicky!
Mechanical noise deafened many a person.

Or just boot loading a DEC 8 or 11 with paper tape to find errors then back to the desk to wait for the asr re-punch.

I've still got some workable strip paper tape readers somewhere. Now talk about a slow load. We built these to allow edits, because to get a punch was a task in itself. Just so many asr available. So made a small hand fed reader that used photo transistors. Then we got photo transistor arrays that made the task easier.

MT backups? We could go on and on about adventures of the past.
Old 11-30-2007, 09:48 AM   #17
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LQ rule #34b: derailing a thread is allowed if OP has gone missing....

I feel totally one-upped......
Just when you think you're the biggest fossil, someone else comes along.....

OK--top this:
Once owned a TV set with electro-static deflection CRT.

Built a Tesla coil with 2 type-10 triodes.

learned programming (Fortran-II?)on a Burroughs B-6500 (a real man's computer: RTL logic and an adder module that could add 2 64-bit numbers in one clock cycle (1 MEGA-Hz clock)

Wrote a paper in college about magnetic core memory.

Learned to implement boolean equations with relays
Old 12-01-2007, 08:13 AM   #18
Registered: Jan 2005
Location: Central Florida 20 minutes from Disney World
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It's nice to remember!

I built a 8080 8-bit Intel based micro-computer from scratch with 256B and serial I/O. Later built a video interface for the same. When I added memory to the machine (1024Byte), I was in heaven.

I've still got the machine, don't know if it will boot though. Haven't used it since the late seventies to burn some 1024 ROM. I moved on to build a S-100 based system. That baby could fly!

As for interfaces that I designed & built. So numerous, I would have to go back to my logs to really trigger the memory. That's not including the ones that were consulted on (would need to check my notes).

As for system design, be it mechanical or electronic. I won't go there since some of that would be private. Just a lot of professional memories!

I'm retired now and use a lot of my time consulting with grandchildren. My animals on the farm take a lot of my awake time. I do limit my computer work, be it on systems or even the web. Do enough to keep sharp but force myself to limit the time.


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