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Old 02-22-2005, 03:31 AM   #1
Registered: Feb 2004
Posts: 74

Rep: Reputation: 15
Where to get dependecies?

error: failed dependencies: is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 is needed by OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1

That is what I get when trying to install an RPM. I understand I need the dependencies, but where do I get them?
Old 02-22-2005, 03:34 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Here is the page from rpmfind website to download this RPM.

On the bottom of the page, is the requires section. You can click on the link of what you need to retrieve them.

I only had to enter gg:OpenIPMI-1.4.8-1 in the application launcher, and clicked on the first link listed by Google to find it.
Old 02-22-2005, 03:48 AM   #3
Registered: Feb 2004
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I had already done a search on rpmfind and it brings me to links I can download, but I have rh7.2....I can't seem to find it for the right version of rh. My guess is that it really matters to have the right rpm with the right version. Is there some kind of alternative...thanks for the link by the way.
Old 02-22-2005, 07:00 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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An alternative would be compiling needed libraries from source.

If the version number of the library is the same, I don't think it would be a problem using an RPM from a newer distribution. A more recent distribution will probably have different library versions however.
If they are backwards compatible, this may not be a problem.

Red Hat 7.2 is very old. You might want to consider upgrading to a newer version of Red Hat, or installing Fedora Core. Perhaps the only thing that might stop you would be if you are dependent on binary kernel drivers. But even there, installing a newer distribution and installing the same kernel version may be possible.

Another website for finding RPMs is You can filter the responces to Red Hat 7.x.
However there may not be any.

Another thing to consider is using the 'mc' Midnight Commander program. It runs in the console, and allows you to browse the files in an RPM as it they were in a filesystem. So you could manually copy the library file you needed and run 'ldconfig' yourself.


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