That All Of U People Are Trying to Send Me Diffrent Tips And Ideas How I Should Make My Geforce2 To Work....
As I Said Earlier !!!!
I'm an extreamly NEWBIE @ Linux.... I Don't Understand All Of The HowTo Guides !!!
I'm Getting Stuck within the installation process when it's starting to ask me for some damn stupid kernel.....
And I don't understand how i should fix that problem either... Beacuse the installtion process want's to download som kernel file... Bur I'm not connected to internet with that computer beacuse I don't understand how to do that yet....
Why can't somebody just give me an simpel tip on what Linux type who whas support for the GeForce 2 cards...
I know that Knoppix has that.. But that one only runs from cd, and that's not what i want...
I want to install linux and learn more about it...
I just don't wanna get in to the programming buisniess right know, i jusst want the X window to work without any programming from me...
Please can somebody give me some Idea ???