Originally Posted by Agrouf
I don't get what you want.
Do you want to extend LogVol00 to take 100Gb of additional space from the storage server? What kind of storage server is it? Is it an NFS remote server or is it the local machine that serves storage to other remote clients or is it something else?
sda2 is the 2nd partition of the 1st hard drive.
I didn't get everything.
it's more complicated than that.
I have a storage server which has 40TB and i have alocated 800GB for a server which has informix installed. I have alocated 800GB from the storage to the linux CentOS 5.0 64bit that has informix and i need to create chunks 80x6GB and 10x16GB = 800GB.
I need to see those 800GB that i have allocated from the storage so i can create those fuckign chunks.
You don't need to know what and how and what kind of server is the storage server. I cannot give you that kind of information.
AND yes, i want to take 800GB from the LogVol00 (but idk if the LogVol00 is the space allocated fromt he storage).
[root@abc dev]# ls
bus dvdrw loop2 nst0m pts ram7 sg1 st0m tty10 tty24 tty38 tty51 tty8 usbdev3.1_ep81 vcsa3
cdrom dvdrw-hda loop3 nst1 ram ram8 sg10 st1 tty11 tty25 tty39 tty52 tty9 usbdev4.1_ep00 vcsa4
cdrom-hda dvdwriter loop4 nst1a ram0 ram9 sg2 st1a tty12 tty26 tty4 tty53 ttyS0 usbdev4.1_ep81 vcsa5
cdrw dvdwriter-hda loop5 nst1l ram1 ramdisk sg3 st1l tty13 tty27 tty40 tty54 ttyS1 usbdev4.3_ep00 vcsa6
cdrw-hda fd loop6 nst1m ram10 random sg4 st1m tty14 tty28 tty41 tty55 ttyS2 usbdev4.3_ep81 VolGroup00
cdwriter full loop7 null ram11 rawctl sg5 stderr tty15 tty29 tty42 tty56 ttyS3 vcs X0R
cdwriter-hda gpmctl MAKEDEV nvram ram12 root sg6 stdin tty16 tty3 tty43 tty57 urandom vcs1 zero
changer hda mapper oldmem ram13 rtc sg7 stdout tty17 tty30 tty44 tty58 usbdev1.1_ep00 vcs2
changer-sg3 hpet mcelog parport0 ram14 sda sg8 systty tty18 tty31 tty45 tty59 usbdev1.1_ep81 vcs3
console initctl md0 parport1 ram15 sda1 sg9 tape tty19 tty32 tty46 tty6 usbdev2.1_ep00 vcs4
core input mem parport2 ram2 sda2 shm tape-nst0 tty2 tty33 tty47 tty60 usbdev2.1_ep81 vcs5
cpu kmsg net parport3 ram3 sdb snapshot tape-nst1 tty20 tty34 tty48 tty61 usbdev2.3_ep00 vcs6
disk log nst0 port ram4 sdc st0 tty tty21 tty35 tty49 tty62 usbdev2.3_ep81 vcsa
dvd loop0 nst0a ppp ram5 sdd st0a tty0 tty22 tty36 tty5 tty63 usbdev2.3_ep82 vcsa1
dvd-hda loop1 nst0l ptmx ram6 sg0 st0l tty1 tty23 tty37 tty50 tty7 usbdev3.1_ep00 vcsa2
I see there are: sda, sda1, sda2, sdb, sdc, sdd.
I repeat, i have 4 S-ATA HDD's 2 of them are on raid0 (mirroring) and the other 2 are untouched !
untouched means i didn't create partitions, i didn't do anything to them.