With Debian, You can add the user to sudoers. As root run the command
It will open the sudoers file. You can add the line starts with "kinnowgrower" to the file as shown below
# User privilege specification
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
kinnowgrower ALL=(ALL) ALL
Replace username with kinnowgrower and save the file. Now the user is able to run all the commands as superuser. User have to add word "sudo" to every command .e.g.
sudo vi /etc/passwd
user would be prompted to enter password. User has to enter his regular password
You can add the following command as well.
kinnowgrower ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL
The only difference is now user wont be prompted for the password. Be careful while giving root privileges to regular user. Now user has the ability to run all commands on the system including ability to change root password as well. Ofcourse you can limit the user to run specifc commands only using visudo.
get help with
man visudo and