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Old 11-16-2009, 04:22 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2009
Posts: 1

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Question Webbrowser without X

Hi there

I'd like to have a minimal linux box booting directly into a webbrowser (midori, firefox, etc...) -> Similar to a kiosk-installation.

I read that the X window system is quiet "heavy" so I'd like to avoid it...

  • Is it true that X server would be required in any case?
  • Can I at least avoid using a window manager -> I actually just have 1 single graphical application running (the web browser in my case)?
  • My system would be touchscreen based -> If I don't use a windows manager, will I still be able to use the touchscreen?
Basically I just would like to know what would be the bare minimum to run a webbrowser in fullscreen mode?

Old 11-16-2009, 04:32 AM   #2
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For the web browsers that you mention you will need X.

You say that you just want to run a web browser in full screen mode, but there will be times that the web browser wants to open a second window: thus you need something to "manage windows". This program, by definition, is a window manager.

What are specifications of the machine you want to run this on?


Old 11-16-2009, 07:40 AM   #3
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2009
Distribution: Ubuntu
Posts: 1

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Thx evo2 4 ur answer

The idea is that the webbrowser will only show my proprietary website. So I can make sure no additional/new window gets triggered.

I am looking for a cheap ARM based device to run all this (Something simmilar to the crunchpad would be great) or even a powerful digital photo frame...


P.S: Don't know what is wrong but I had to register again on this board. I cannot log in with my previous account anymore!


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