OK I have some doubt's
I'm creating a VPN, Linux Server <-> Windows XP client
And I created a Dialin Server in Linux using mgetty and pptp.
My question is:
Once the client login my computer, can I share a specific folder to my WinXP client in a really FRIENDLY way? I mean so she can see it like just another folder in his network.
notice: "my client is a person that knows how to turn on the computer and move the mouse"... So!, I don't want to use FTP or Telnet...
To do this should do I have to use Samba?
Or do I have to use a FTP???
I haven't done this yet, this is my first VPN so I really don't know what is going to happen...
I configured the mgetty already and the pptp.
OK... again:
[Linux Dialin Server + mgetty + pptp] <--> [Wintendo XP Client dials to my number through his winmodem and needs very important document in special folder.]
Thank's... anyone...
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or should I say SOS! HELP!!!!