video-proxy solution
hi experts
I'm a novice and I need your opinion.
What (I think) I'm looking for is a video proxy.
I have a linux server on my basement and I want all my xbmc I have (every room) to use this server to play the sopcast, to save my bandwidth.
On my server I run sopcast sp-sc-auth sop://<channelid> 3908 8900
My goal is to lunch this on-demand. The xbmc client willing to see same (favorite) channel , will use the same instance of sp-sc-auth.
So, after googling few days, (I think ) I need a proxy (socket) server to lunch the sp-sc-auth (if not exist), this will connect to my localhost:8900, receive data and deliver to my xbmc client-pc.
my client pc will always connect to 18900 and my xbmc_18900 xinetd service will lunch my proxy-server
Need your advice.
If this is correct, some (python,perl) socket server example/link will be great.
an other solution?
thank you in advance
Last edited by vrusu; 06-08-2012 at 12:36 PM.