If you install cygwin, you can get ssh and a whole lot more, including vi. When I install cygwin (
http://x.cygwin.com/), I make sure I do the following:
Click on View to get Alphabetical listing, then install:
- cpio
- openssh
- rcs
- shutdown
- unzip/zip
- vi
- xinit (if you want to bring up an X win session on Windows) Install from X11 package, xinit. Then you can run: xwin -query <server name>
Once installed you have ssh on Windows. But if you want "sshd" to run on Windows, so that you can do things like "scp" from Linux to windows, you can do the following:
- Config files are in /etc from cygwin prompt or D:\cygwin\etc
- Run ssh-host-config under cygwin
- Overwrite existing config files
- Should privilege separation be used? “no”
- net start sshd
- once working, go into windows services and make sure that sshd starts automatically