Originally posted by sriny_81
hi all,
i have already post same question in general not got any answer yet.. so re doing it here...
i have few doubts, i need answer urgently(3 hours left for exams)
question .......
1.why linux kernal(Bzimage or vmlinuz) is compressed, don't it add runtime overhead.. during bootup?
- i guess its not just because of hardisk space or even RAM..
2. how can i define a runlevel..?
And now that other thread has been closed. Please do not mark threads as urgent. Members here answer questions in their own free time. When you put urgency on it, it comes off as being rude and disrespectful.
Also take note that since this is a free forum for anyone that registers, you may not recieve and answer.
By you putting an urgency on your post, this prompted you to double post which is against our rules that you agreed to when registering.
Also, shouldn't you think studying for an exam, you should be able to find your own answer, instead of making others either answer them for you or look for the answers for you? Seems to defeat the purpose in studying and taking an exam I would think.