Using Winex to install a few games
Ok I am wanting/needing to install a few games into linux because i am sick of WINDOWS!!! *phsycotic spasm* AHHH BURN IT!!! I install windows and install Everquest and the next day (today) i go to play everquest and i get a error from the everquest.exe! So i decided to try linux after i found Winex. But i am not having any luck with this either.
Well I am but I dont know how to get to all these command prompts that i am supposed to be using to enter stuff like "Winex3 /mnt/cdrom/setup.exe" Not sure how accurate that is but I think that is what I read. :P
I did intall winex 3.0 and it is in my /home dir.
Oh yeah I am kinda new to linux and I have kinda fondled it :P whenever i went to install windows to get stuff working again I would sometimes decide to download and try a new Linux distro.
Well I would appreciate the help I could get. And will be checking back about ever 10 minutes.
The Noob