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Old 01-17-2005, 10:53 AM   #1
Registered: Apr 2002
Location: Philadelphia
Posts: 48

Rep: Reputation: 15
Using TestDisk on Itanium machine


I have read raves about TestDisk for re-creating damaged partitions. I downloaded it from but haven't figured out how to install it. My biggest concern is whether or not I can install it on my PowerEdge 7150 server running RH Enterprise SA 3.0, which has Itanium IA64 cpus. I wanted to ask at the site, but they won't look at their e-mail until Jan 24th. Also, I have not been able to determine if I need to create a boot disk to use TestDisk or if I can run it from RH Enterprise SA.

The disk I am trying to repair is NOT the current boot disk. It was previously a boot disk, with about 5 partitions. But, all partitions but the boot partition disappeared after some accidental erasures. In order to minimize chances of booting from this messed up disk, I erased all of the contents of the boot partition.

Any suggestions for proceeding would be very much appreciated.



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