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Old 07-08-2013, 12:57 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Aug 2011
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User account with no password

First Post (be easy)
I have several linux guests on an ESXi server. I am using UPS monitoring on a physical windows box and would like to be able to shutdown the linux guests from a batch file on the windows box. I found a way that should do it using putty/ssh and private keys but I haven't found a way to create a user on the linux guests without a password, hence the putty session hangs asking for a password. None of the linux guests have outside internet access from the firewall and are all on an internal vlan.

Anyone have any ideas?
Old 07-08-2013, 01:10 PM   #2
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But if you use private keys no password should be needed.
* Can you login on a Linux via putty without password?
If not, you haven't got the configuration for using keypairs right.
If you can, there's something wrong in your script.

One other possibility: your user on Linux-box is not allowed to shutdown the system. Normally only root can do that.
May I guess that you are trying to script a sudo-command? Something like 'ssh user@server "sudo poweroff"' ?
Old 07-08-2013, 01:21 PM   #3
Madhu Desai
Registered: Mar 2013
Distribution: Rocky, Fedora, Ubuntu
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To create a user without password, follow the steps. (Note here i'm using username dummy)
  1. Become root

  2. Create user account
    useradd dummy

  3. Unlock user account password
    passwd -uf dummy

  4. Done. now you can login as user dummy without password
    su - dummy

Last edited by Madhu Desai; 07-08-2013 at 01:26 PM.


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