Alright, so this is my first time posting and I am pretty much a noob when it comes to linux. So after a fresh install of Fedora core 3 with the included kernel 2.6.9-1.667, I try to get my wireless card working with ndiswrapper which I've done on my Ubuntu box so im familiar with the basic idea of what I have to do...but anyhow I find out that for ndis wrapper and a few other reasons I'll have to rebuild or update the kernel. Now, I figure since I'm going to rebuild the kernel either way I might as well update it. This is where the situation gets a little sticky, I have no internet access at all on the Fedora Core 3 box and getting it on there is not possible until, and unless I get this wireless adapter working. So I boot up my other hdd to win xp (*shudders*) and my internet is dial up. I start doing some research and spend hours downloading the full kernel source for kernel from then I drop it on my thumb drive and boot back up into Fedora copy the file over then extract it etc. I run make mrproper, make xconfig, make bzImage, make modules, make modules_install, and make install. All goes fine.. I reboot using the now installed kernel I just built and it won't boot. This is what I am getting:
Booting 'Fedora Core ('
root (hd0,0)
Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
Kernel vmlinuz- ro root=/dev/volGroup00/log-Vx00 rhgb quiet
[Linux-bzImage, setup=0x2c00, size=0x1bc4a0 initrd/initrd-
[Linux-initrd@037f03000, 0xec51e bytes]
Decompressing Linux...Parsing ELF...done.
Booting the kernel.
arlan:No Arlan devices found
ide_generic: I/O resource 0x1f0-0x1f7 not free.
ide_generic: I/O resource 0x170-0x177 not free.
Red Hat nash version 4.1.18 starting
reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...
umount /sys failed:16
mount:error 6 mounting xt3
mount:error 2 mounting none
switchroot: mount failed:22
umount .initrd /dev failed:2
Kernel panic-not syncing:Attemped to kill init!
after that it just hangs until I hold the power button to power down the tower.
any help would be greatly appreciated