Originally posted by Franklin
The best way to be considered "intelligent'", even if not knowledgable, is to search the web, search the forum, fail enough to get useful error messages and THEN ask good questions providing what went wrong and what you allready know and did.
Great! Then I should be considered intelligent as it is, because I searched the web and found this site. Then once on this site I used the search function to find this topic. And then I posted in this topic instead of making a new one and cluttering up the board with a topic that is already in discussion.
But here's where that qualification may fail, because I don't think telling people to fail until they pull thier hair out and THEN answering thier questions is a good idea. Especially (as another forum member PMed to tell me) FC1 and FC2/3 are based off of different kernels. While I don't know what that would mess up, I have been informed that it will most likely cause many headaches trying to get it all working again. So in the end it's best that I just upgrade to FC3.
What I learned from this is that linuxquestions.org's newbie forum is not for real newbies. It's for Linux enthusiasts that already have a decent grasp on things. This was proven to me by the fact that the kind person that PMed me felt that they couldn't post the answer to my question, they had to secretly send me the answer.
Windows my be inferior (and with this type of "help" i may never know), but at least forum members don't have elitist attitudes and slag me down when I have to ask the occaisional question. And, at this point, I'm not even speaking directly about this forum but about my whole Linux community experience thus far. Time after time I get either no answer at all, or told to use the search function. While I don't mind using the search function (I actually use it all of the time on most forums), most of them return pages and pages of results full of posts that have nothing to do with what I"m asking. Maybe you people, being the Linux guru's that you seem to be, have time to read hours and hours worth of unrelated crap to find the answer to one VERY simple question, but I don't. I have a newborn and a fulltime job, not to mention that *gasp* no OS will EVER consume my life. I've read FAQ after FAQ, and spent hours reading posts, only to find that they all assume more knowledge from the reader than I have. And I'm honestly only going to put a little more time into it before I can the attempt. One of the biggest reasons I decided to try and make this switch was becuase I kept on reading how helpful the community was. Well maybe you guys are friendly as long as I don't insult you by asking very simple questions, but overall you seem to be a big group of elitists.