Uncertain how to configure/install packages & compiler before install VMware on FC8.
Hm, I installed Fedora 8 a while ago, but I'm wanting to install VMware, and one of the tutorials said that it needs to compile its own kernel modules to install correctly and therefore that I should make sure that I have the necessary kernel packages and gcc compiler.
The tutorial said I could query these packages by using # rpm -qa kernel* gcc*. Here is the output when I put it in my terminal:
[root@gnlserv01 ~]# rpm -qa kernel* gcc*
The above packages include what is needed according to the tutorial. So what I'm actually asking is how do I install or configure the compiler and the packages that I need? Can I say something like # rpm --install gcc-4.1.2-33 ? Or do I use yum somehow? Or are those packages already there and ready to fulfill their purpose and I don't have to do anything to them before I install VMware?