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Old 02-15-2005, 04:03 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

Rep: Reputation: 0
Unable to uninstall and reinstall RPM

Hi all,

I am a bit new to linux environment. I already installed yahoo messenger in fedora and now I want to upgrade it. With my ignorance initially I didnt uninstall. I just removed some of the directories which i know related to the RPM. After wards when I try to upgrade with the latest rpm I am getting the below problem. I tried all most of the options of the RPM. I am getting the below errors. I dont know how to proceed further. Please help me in solving my problem.

The log is :

[root@linux varma]# rpm -e ymessenger
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)

[root@linux varma]# rpm -aq ymessenger
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)

[root@linux varma]# rpm -qa ymessenger
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)

[root@linux varma]# rpm -U rh7.ymessenger-1.0.4-1.i386.rpm
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdb: damaged header #1463 retrieved -- skipping.
error: rpmdbNextIterator: skipping h# 1463 blob size(3164): BAD, 8 + 16 * il(64) + dl(2980)
[root@linux varma]#

please suggest me to solve the above problem and how to reinstall the rpm.

With best regards and advanced thanks
Old 02-15-2005, 06:51 AM   #2
Senior Member
Registered: Dec 2002
Location: Atlantic City, NJ
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Did you try doing a install of the rpm?

rpm -ivh ymessenger.rpm

Those error messages look wierd to me. Any chance the rpm is damaged?
Old 02-15-2005, 06:59 AM   #3
Registered: Mar 2003
Location: UK Darlington
Distribution: Fedora Freebsd Centos
Posts: 296

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Take a look at this


Have you tried rebuilding your rpm database?

Try rm -f /var/lib/rpm/__db* to remove it first then

rpm -vv --rebuilddb

to rebuild it.
Old 02-17-2005, 07:42 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
Registered: Nov 2004
Posts: 2

Original Poster
Rep: Reputation: 0
Hi friends,

Thanks for the help. I have rebuild the RPM Database accordingly said above and it took lot of time to rebuild. I could able to uninstall and install the RPM again.

The links given above are useful, Thanks for it.

Once Thanks my friends. Have a nice time take care of you

With best regards,


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