Unable to Connect Firefox
Ok here we go I am running duel boot P4 with AGP graphics .
It is connected via ethernet cable to main computers ADSL connection which ia a NetComm NB5.For the past few weeks I have tried Mepis 3.3 upto 7.0.Now I have returned to Mandriva 2008. Now the problem is Can connect Inett with Konquerer But not Mozzilla. Same problem reared its head in Mepis after 4 days simple solution was found in dhclient.conf open all I had to do was copy/paste a set of numbers in this location.So idea was do the same in mandriva but dhclient.conf open is blank page.I need simple help solution that i can follow, then copy paste.So if we stick to issue at hand I will then be able to run updates and watch DVD in Kaffiene
Please No keyboard solutions only point click copy paste.
Thanks But Don't Bother I went back to Mepis
Last edited by bobp22; 12-10-2007 at 06:20 AM.
Reason: Solved