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gnu2tux 11-15-2005 05:49 AM

Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide

I am the author of the site at which is a user friendly, step by step introduction for complete newbies to Linux. It assumes almost no computer knowledge whilst at the same time not treating you like an Idiot, guiding you through choosing a Linux distribution, installing it (step-by-step graphical walk through of Ubuntu 5.10 included), as well as information about installing software and much more that a newbie just needs to know.

Check it out today at:


Ali Ross
The Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide

redhatrosh 11-15-2005 06:03 AM

OH wow!
One thing I would like to say is that I was able to finally understand what the X stood for!...
And the website is pretty cool...and I'll forward it to my friends.

I'll Bookmark it as well....

I hope, you will be an integral part of this forum and definitely help people in solving their questions/problems and provide appropriate suggestions in the (UBUNTU) section as well..


Fritz_Monroe 11-15-2005 06:21 AM

Just took a brief look and it looks good. Wish it was around last year when I first started looking into Linux. I'm sure I'm going to get some good info from it anyway.


ethics 11-15-2005 06:44 AM

Really like the site, i'm sure it will be helpful to a lot of people, one thing i would say is personally when perusing informative works such as that, i like to be presented with both sides of an arguement and form my own opinion, where it says

"In this guide, you'll find out why Linux is a better choice over other operating systems, including Windows and Mac OS" - to me should read "In this guide, you'll find out why Linux offers a competitive (and perhaps more cost effective) choice to other operating systems, including Windows and Mac OS"

just small things, apart from that it's great, will you be accepting user submitted articles at all?

gnu2tux 11-15-2005 08:16 AM


Originally posted by ethics
Really like the site, i'm sure it will be helpful to a lot of people, one thing i would say is personally when perusing informative works such as that, i like to be presented with both sides of an arguement and form my own opinion, where it says

"In this guide, you'll find out why Linux is a better choice over other operating systems, including Windows and Mac OS" - to me should read "In this guide, you'll find out why Linux offers a competitive (and perhaps more cost effective) choice to other operating systems, including Windows and Mac OS"

just small things, apart from that it's great, will you be accepting user submitted articles at all?

I understand what you say, and I think you are correct - so I'll update that to sound a bit more 'open-ended'. I think I originally wrote it with a less direct statement, but I changed it because I assumed that someone reading it would already want to be using Linux anyway, and just wanted a few good arguments to actually make the move, but your point is noted.

With regards to the question on user articles, absolutely - The site has actually been around since 2001 (as you will see by some of the slightly outdated screenshots in the later chapters, which will be replaced soon). Since 2001, it's had a lot of user input, and I would welcome comments in the forum (ie showing a link for content inclusion), or even send me your html for inclusion in the 'Hot Topics' section.

The reason that you haven't seen the site before is likely because it was down for a long time (it used to be at linuxnewbieguide dot com) but it got hacked and the ISP I was hosting with at the time didn't take a backup and neither had I. I thought it was lost for sure. The domain got hijacked by some search company and so I gave up on it, having written it all, i was dismayed. However, I found that the nice people at the web archive service could give me a copy of their archive from 2003, so I have been updating it since I got it back around 3 months ago, registering the (more appropriate) .org domain for it.

Let me know if you have any content in mind. There is a contact form on the site if you want to get in touch directly.


Ali Ross

Netizen 11-15-2005 09:02 AM

Careful, per the rules there is no advertising allowed. This thread might be seen as such.

gnu2tux 11-15-2005 09:51 AM


Originally posted by Netizen
Careful, per the rules there is no advertising allowed. This thread might be seen as such.
Hmm, well all I'm wanting to do is help out those whom are new to Linux. I ask nothing in return. If you deem it to be inappropriate (yes I read the guidelines for this forum), then let the admins know and no doubt they will remove it.

I find it appropriate for this forum, and to help it's audience further.

ethics 11-15-2005 11:13 AM

I think it's a good resource/repository for anyone looking through the forums, and a good community project, alot of things i come across are still valid in terms of the basic Unix functionality still present, but lack some of the uptodate content, if you're following guides, it helps if the guide uses a current distro that you have :).

I would have submitted it as a useful link to anyone thinking of making a crossover from another OS, and depending on how it fills out, will be using it as part of a report for my boss in swapping our file server (we're an engineering design company, alll our customer data is on 1 hard drive :S) from windows NT!!!! to a Linux based solution .

redhatrosh 11-15-2005 12:04 PM

You are Not boasting about it everytime gnu2tux ...and hence I think this is NOT ADVERTISING. You have just introduced it in the thread and expect feedback and comments from users who visit it...
Moderator are you listening....:-?

MasterC 11-15-2005 01:21 PM


Originally posted by redhatrosh
Moderator are you listening....:-?

Yep :)

I'll discuss with the other mods and let you know the outcome. Looks friendly enough, but we generally frown upon linking with your first or second post, it gives the feel that your purpose was to only come to these forums to drive traffic to your site.

The guide does look very nicely done gnu2tux, and I'm sure people will find it useful.

I'll report back with what we decide as a group.


gnu2tux 11-15-2005 01:25 PM


Originally posted by MasterC
Yep :)

I'll report back with what we decide as a group.



I actually used to have an account on the forums and have posted before (admittedly probably only a handful of times), but I'm happy to participate in the forums to prove that I'm not here just to post a link and disappear.


Ali Ross

MasterC 11-15-2005 02:36 PM

We all agree this dances on the line, but we consider it appropriate for the forums, your last response was helpful in this decision :) We would appreciate it if you could include LQ in your links section ;)

Thanks, I look forward to seeing you on the forums!


gnu2tux 11-15-2005 04:30 PM



Originally posted by MasterC
We would appreciate it if you could include LQ in your links section ;)
That's already been done! - check it out:

Ultimate Linux Newbie Guide - Links


Ali Ross

rufus1 11-16-2005 04:50 AM

Hello, :newbie: here.

Thanks for the link. I enjoyed reading the historical info on Linux and GUIs.

redhatrosh 11-16-2005 06:18 AM

Oh thanks MasterC sir...

and gnu2tux, pretty good site..keep it up and going...and PLEASE do help with threads that are with 0 replies whenever you find time...
Its a humble request (because you have proven from your website that you can help people out!)

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