I have Debian wheezy/sid
so it may be different
I have these installed
while I can open images with gimp, the 'standard image viewer' eog ( eye of gnome ) fails with invalid stream
Now, this is more complicated, and will not work with a stock Android rom
( this is HTC One/Nexus7 with CM10.2, self complied )
also works with htc sensation, but since that has 'mass storage' has no mtp 'limits'
to setup sshd
on device ( as root )
/system/sbin/sshd -f /data/ssh/sshd_config -D
on Linux box
sshfs -o auto_unmount root@<IP address of device>:/storage/emulated/0 /path/to/local/mountpoint
since the sshd setup involves public key, there is no password
things now work like any other filesystem, I can view images without a problem
sshfs has many options to 'tune' the mount
sshfs --help
for details
performance will depend on the quality of your wifi connection, if you are moving large amounts of data mtp over usb is much faster
note, /data/local/userinit.d/99sshd
is setup so sshd is always started on boot
chmod 600 if you don't want that