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Old 10-27-2013, 02:32 PM   #1
Sanpreet Singh
Registered: Jan 2013
Location: Malout,Punjab
Distribution: Ubuntu(Debian),
Posts: 40
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Ubuntu not Showing my memory card

I have mobile Samsung core model number GT-18262. When I attach a data cable one terminal to mobile and other terminal to USB Port of Computer and operates ubuntu. I get the message on my android as

USB PC Connection

Media device(MTP): Allows you to tranfer media files in Windows or using Android File Tranfer on a MAC.

Allows you to tranfer photos using the Camera Software abd tranfer any file to pc that Doesnot support MTP.

So I have to tick one of the above. If I Tick MTP then I got the Message on my Ubuntu Unable to mount samsung android.

When i Tick PTP then connection is established as camera. I can view photos which are inside my phone memory but my videos and photos in the memory card are not shown.

If anybody can solve my problem. It would be nice. In windows Clicking on the MTP i can see both the Card memory as well as Phone memory and all the photos. But why this donot work in my ubuntu. I have to Switch to Window to view my photos from memory card. I have Dual Boot.
Old 10-27-2013, 08:05 PM   #2
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you need to disable MTP on andoird somehow and enable "mass storage device"

if everything fails, you can still try to install mtp protocol on ubuntu, but that would be a bad solution.
Old 10-27-2013, 08:27 PM   #3
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sadly, you cant
even on CyanogenMod mass storage has 'gone' , it has to do with the 'built in' storage
the likes of Nexus7, HTC One and I assume this Samsung do not have removable sdcards, they are part of the '/data' partition

I sometimes get that error, I dismiss it,, Nautilus still lists the device and I can click into it and 'mount' the storage

I don't like MTP, it just seems 'crippled'
for instance, I can't just drag a folder onto the device if the folder already exists on the device ( hope that makes sense )

maybe it is just me

these days I usually just use sftp or scp to get stuff on my phone/tablet
or run sshd on it and use sshfs on the pc/laptop to mount it

But neither is particularity good for high volume 'stuff'
Old 10-28-2013, 07:44 AM   #4
Sanpreet Singh
Registered: Jan 2013
Location: Malout,Punjab
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Half part is solved

The Half problem is solved. Problem is solved by this Following.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:langdalepl/gvfs-mtp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gvfs

Now the problem is when I open the Folder DCIM. In all the Images there is written JPG. When I tried to open the Images it says Image viewer cannot read the images.

Any Solution????????
Old 10-28-2013, 01:47 PM   #5
Senior Member
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I have Debian wheezy/sid
so it may be different

I have these installed


while I can open images with gimp, the 'standard image viewer' eog ( eye of gnome ) fails with invalid stream

Now, this is more complicated, and will not work with a stock Android rom
( this is HTC One/Nexus7 with CM10.2, self complied )
also works with htc sensation, but since that has 'mass storage' has no mtp 'limits'

to setup sshd

on device ( as root )
/system/sbin/sshd -f /data/ssh/sshd_config -D
on Linux box
sshfs -o auto_unmount root@<IP address of device>:/storage/emulated/0 /path/to/local/mountpoint
since the sshd setup involves public key, there is no password

things now work like any other filesystem, I can view images without a problem

sshfs has many options to 'tune' the mount
sshfs --help
for details

performance will depend on the quality of your wifi connection, if you are moving large amounts of data mtp over usb is much faster

note, /data/local/userinit.d/99sshd
is setup so sshd is always started on boot
chmod 600 if you don't want that


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