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Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux.
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Old 09-26-2007, 05:56 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Sep 2007
Posts: 5

Rep: Reputation: 0
Ubuntu + Cisco VPN + wireless Intel 4965AGN?


I need install instructions to Cisco VPN + Intel 4965AGN wireless card on Ubuntu 7.04 desktop.

I live in an university residence and the ONLY way to access internet is through a wireless VPN (no cable, no modem).

In addition, I do not have the group password to stablish the Cisco VPN connection. All I have is enc_GroupPwd (from profile.pcf).

Last time I tried, I downloaded some packages manually (on Windows), then rebooted and installed the packages just to find out that there were more packages missing... I've done that several times and finally given up.

This is my second try... is there an easier way? can someone post the full list of packages that I need to get my wireless card up and running and to connect to the cisco VPN network?

Old 09-27-2007, 02:41 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: Socorro, New Mexico
Distribution: Debian ("jessie", "squeeze"), Linux Mint (Serena), XUbuntu
Posts: 221

Rep: Reputation: 24
Hi -- I just went through this with Debian at home. I wrote a long post about it.

As a newbie -- I expect the above will terrify you. I've been doing this for 5-years
and it was a 5-day head-scratcher to figure out how to compile the driver correctly.

I have used Ubuntu, and it is good for newbs because most stuff just works. It's when
it doesn't work that you get into what I've described above. Let's hope your problem is
simple. I'd recommend the following steps.

1) Your request to "just tell you what to do" is unfortunately not one that can be serviced. You have to think it through.

2) You need to debug it one step at a time. Can your computer see your card?
Open a terminal window and type /sbin/ifconfig. Paste that stuff in here.

3) If it works -- also try iwconfig, and paste that in here. Then someone can tell
you if it's your card/drivers, or if there's something about the campus network you need to know.


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