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Old 07-08-2003, 08:44 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2003
Location: South Carolina, USA
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TV-out in Red Hat 9

I'm using Red Hat 9 (2.4.20-8 kernel) and an nVidia GeForce 4 Ti4400. I recently had to kill my Red Hat install and start from scratch. Before I did this reinstall, I had my TV-out working perfectly. All I had to do is turn on my TV and it was on. Now though, the display on my computer is great, but when I look at it through my TV it is grossly off-center. So far off that it cuts off 50% of the movie that I'm trying to watch. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? Or possibly, how I had it working right before, but now it's not. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Old 07-08-2003, 11:52 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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This reads nearly exactly like my problem, however with me I didn't have it working right in the first place

I ended up finding that the "TwinViewOrientation" was exactly what I needed to get it fixed, that combined with "TVOverScan" adjusted over and over until it fit exactly like I wanted made my TV-Out nearly flawless as it is now.

Here's what my section of XF86Config looks like WRT TwinView:
#This section is for the TV Output
        Option "TwinView"       "on"
        Option "TwinViewOrientation" "clone"
        Option "ConnectedMonitor"       "TV,CRT"
        Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "30 - 50"
        Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh"       "60"
        Option "MetaModes"      "1024x768, 1024x768;1024x768, 800x600;1024x768, 
        Option "TVStandard"     "NTSC-M"
        Option "TVOverscan"     "0.4"
#       Option "TVOutFormat"   "SVIDEO"
#       Option "TVOutFormat"   "COMPOSITE"
All of the options I am using are discussed in the README file you recieved when you downloaded the driver, but it can also be found on the NVIDIA website if you cannot find your copy. If you have any questions about any of the options I've listed, and you cannot find a good answer in the README, feel free to post back.

BTW, I'm using:
Slack 8.1
GeForce4 MMX/SE 128MB DDR w/TV-Out
But all that shouldn't have any bit of a difference with this IMO.

Old 07-08-2003, 12:25 PM   #3
LQ Newbie
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Thanks MasterC for your interest in my post. I've modified my XFConfig86 file to look a lot like the one in your post. There is only one issue still: for some reason, the line "Option" "ConnectedMonitor" "CRT, TV" is not playing nice with my setup. I get the skewed picture on my TV and I get no picture on my CRT. Any clue?
Old 07-08-2003, 12:34 PM   #4
LQ Guru
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Check your metamodes, also look at changing the instance:
ConnectedMonitor "TV,CRT"

Remove Quotes from around "option" and remove spaces between TV and CRT, just comma seperate.

As for the skewed picture, I believe there are options for that discussed in the README, I'm about to head over and check it out, I'll post back any options if I find em. Feel free to take a look as well.

Old 07-08-2003, 12:41 PM   #5
LQ Guru
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Just reading over the README again, spaces and CaSE SenSITIVity is not an issue, no need to worry about the space after the comma there.

Could you describe your "skew" a bit more, do you mean a "tipped" look, like your tv is leaning on it's corner (but it's not, it's just the display). Or do you mean just half the screen is slightly "off" the screen, if it were a projector you would rotate the projector to the left slightly and the "video" would be dead on.

What skewity do you mean? And what country are you in?

Old 07-08-2003, 02:27 PM   #6
LQ Newbie
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I guess skewed isn't quite the right term I would use to describe how the signal looks on my TV. Honestly, it's the same as I described in my first post. To large and off-center. When my X-server starts, an nVidia logo pops up and on my monitor, it's completely centered however on the TV, it's not.

I'm in the US btw. South Carolina to be exact.

- Larry
Old 07-08-2003, 07:20 PM   #7
LQ Guru
Registered: Mar 2002
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Ok, so is it showing up on your CRT now then? If so, try tweaking the:
"TVOverScan" "0.1" until you get it more along your needs. I think if you change that value a few times, you'll see what the changes do. Also, to make it a smaller image on the TV, look at metamodes. These set the resolution for the 2 devices seperately in a comma seperated format (see my example above).



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