I have Red Hat 6.1, and it is shipped with XFree86 ver. 3.3.5. I found out there was a new version 4.0.2. (according to
http://www.xfree86.org). Well, I downloaded the binaries and removed the old version completely from /usr/X11R6 and then I proceeded to install the new version from scratch. I followed the instructions in the Install document. Upon finishing the installation, I proceeded to run the setup utility: XF86Setup, but it just showed a gray screen and nothing else happened, I then killed the utility by pressing: ctrl-alt-delete. It seemed that it was unable to locate a font (Speedo), although it was installed too.
I then used another utility: xf86config in order to set Xwindows manually. When it finished setting it up, I was able to start Xwindows: startx. But now, Xwindows only showed a couple of windows (Xterm ?), but I donīt know now how to run GNOME or KDE? Should I reinstall those both Xwindows desktop in order that either one can detect the new version I installed?
Any suggestions or instructions to set up the whole thing together?
Thanks !