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Old 01-26-2005, 10:39 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mnadrake 10.1 Community
Posts: 4

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Question trying to install NVidia drivers on Mandrake 10.1

Hello kind people

I have looked through various KB's and threads and have I think all the necessary bits of info.
I'm just puzzled by how exactly to put them together.

I downloaded the Nvidia Drivers, checked I was running Kernel 2.6. Logged in as root in a terminal session, Exited XServer and ran the install. Install completed : All hunky dory so far.

Now I need to edit my XF86Config file and the other file which I forget for the moment.
Problem is I don't know how to edit it because I need to be in root to do this but don't know how to edit a file from a terminal window. I would prefer to edit from a window rather than init3 as it means I can keep all the relevant info infront of me.
Actually I'd rather edit in the GUI but logging in as root is sending alarm bells ringing. My computer and me both !!!
... am I being stupid and going round in circles ??? It feels like I am .. hehe !
Old 01-26-2005, 11:17 AM   #2
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To edit any text file from the terminal there are some really basic editors, 2 of them are pico and joe. They take about 5 minutes to learn most of what is needed. Open up a console and type joe and it should open up with a blank page. Hit Ctrl-k-h for help. You can also type joe filename.ext (the ext is substitued for the extension if one is needed.
Example: joe Xfree6.conf
You will need to be root to edit xfree though

Last edited by BajaNick; 01-26-2005 at 11:19 AM.
Old 01-26-2005, 11:23 AM   #3
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Omaha, NE, USA
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I think you could also try (from the command line)

$ kdesu kwrite

to bring up a KWrite window that will be able to edit as root.
Old 01-26-2005, 12:12 PM   #4
LQ Newbie
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thanks for your replies
forgive my ignorance but could either of you run through the steps I would take from logged in as usual to actually getting the XF86Config file in an editor with root priveleges.

I've only been using Linux for 3 days so I'm new to all this ... mind you I'm only left with various peripherals like camera and card reader to install so I'm learning

I've had a partition waiting on my HD for 2 years for Linux to go in and when windows died I gave it a go.
Wish windows had died sooner ... RIPieces windows ...

Old 01-26-2005, 12:23 PM   #5
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mnadrake 10.1 Community
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sorry guys I was being a bit stupid ..

I typed:

kdesu kwrite
from a terminal window with root
Without the $ and it worked fine ...
I'll post with the results after I boot with new files ..

Wish me luck

Old 01-26-2005, 12:26 PM   #6
Registered: Aug 2003
Location: Omaha, NE, USA
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Rep: Reputation: 30
For *my* suggestion: (doing this from memory - I'm at work ona Windows machine)

(Also note, I haven't verified this works the way I expect it to. But logically, it should. )

Log in as normal.
Open a Konsole Window (should be an icon on the left side of your task bar at the bottom. Or search through your menus.)
In that Konsole window, type "kdesu kwrite" without the quotes.
This should pop up a box asking for your root password. Enter it, and hit <Enter>.
KWrite should start. -- The *owner* of this KWrite session is root!
Click the File -> Open button on the menu.
Navigate to the "/etc" directory. (Maybe it's "/etc/X11", I don't remember. )
Select the file "XF86Config" (or xorg.conf, or whatever is correct for your system) and open it.
Edit the file, and save it.
Close KWrite.
Close the Konsole.

If there are errors in the file, your gui won't start. In that case, log in as root, type "cd /etc/X11", delete the file you just created, and rename the backup file (XF86Config.~) to the correct name, and start over.

Edit: Gee, and after I typed all these nice instructions, too.
Old 01-28-2005, 10:47 AM   #7
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2005
Distribution: Mnadrake 10.1 Community
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Well I edited the XF86Config file and saved a backup copy.
Rebooted and all wasn't well ..

Normal boot through the first init processes(with gui) then ahhhhg !

just command line ..

Couldn't work out what to do after that ...I tried all-sorts of Newbie stuff:

Alt F7, Alt F1 ... Running the install again using upgrade and selecting a different graphics card on the Mandrake install routines ..pah !
What a loser.

I've enjoyed it so much so far though. It's great to "try" to get under the hood of your machine.
I ended up reinstalling because I didn't feel I was really paying a too much attention to what was happening when I first installed. (That's Windown users for you) ..hehe !

I'm still just as confused but with a little more sense and, thanks to you lot a bit more knowledge of what I'm doing.

One thing that puzzles me still is how do I know a file should be installed with a $ sh <filename>
or make compile which I kind of get but , well you know, some of us are idiots.

I've downloaded many drivers / applications / and add-ons and the scripts say everything is OK and I just loose them completely ... e.g. Firefox .. downloaded, installed , running and surfing.
Close the app down and I don't know where to find it !! I've tried various folders but blow me If I can find it.

Sorry for the rant .. I've been awake for nearly 38 hours infront of my machine just trying to soak it in.

Viva las Linux



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