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Old 11-21-2007, 09:55 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Apr 2007
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Tried 4 different LiveCDs, wont run in my AMD Sempron...


Im stumped. It seems I cant get *any* Linux LiveCD to run on my main system. My system is AMD Sempron 1.5 ghz, 512mb ddr ram, Nvidia Geforce6.

Ive tried PCLINUXOS, Ubuntu, DSL and Puppy on it and not one of them booted succesfully.

* In PCLinuxOS, it tries to boot, reaches "Entering non-interactive setup" then after a few seconds the PC powers down and shuts off on its own. I saw a glimpse of "HAL DAEMON failed".

I tried several times, using different boot options, with the same result... EXCEPT for a couple of times when it somehow managed to boot and i saw the mouse pointer.. then it asks for "Keyboard" and when I enter the Time Zone it shuts off.

* In DSL, booting stops with the messages...
"Sent all processes the TERM signal.
Sent all processes the KILL signal.
DSL Halted"

* In Ubuntu, progress indicator moves, then CD ejects and PC powers down.

Whats going on here? I think it may be a hardware issue.. but which part I wonder. Btw, it runs Win XP just fine with no problems.. i was thinking of making it dual boot with Linux, but i cant even run a Linux OS from a Live CD, so how could I even install on the HD :-(

Its also not the first time Ive run Linux.. few months back, I managed to dualboot DSL and Win98 on an old Dell Latitude 333mhz laptop (thanks to the help of this forum!!) :-)

Ive also managed to run DSL live CD and Ubuntu Live CD on an AMD Duron 900mhz PC. I still have that PC here, but the CD drive got busted recently so i cant run off it. Besides, ive been meaning to do it here on the fastest machine I have available (the Sempron 1.5ghz)

Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? thanks in advance for any advice... :-)
Old 11-21-2007, 10:06 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2005
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Strange one?

It's hard to say what the problem might be, but I'd be inclined to think you might have a hardware problem. But the fact that Windows runs fine would suggest otherwise.

Two thought spring to mind. Try removing everything not permanently attached to the laptop; USB devices, PCMCIA cards, etc. You might want to enter the BIOS and make sure anything like acceleration is turned off. Then try those live CDs again.

Secondly, if you don't mind more downloading, you could try Koppix

I've found it's hardware detection to be quite good.

Good luck.

Last edited by redgoblin; 11-21-2007 at 10:48 AM. Reason: fix typo
Old 11-21-2007, 12:45 PM   #3
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Most LiveCDs' have boot options. Generally F2,F3 to screen you the options that are available. You could pass the 'noapic' and/or the 'noapci' options at the boot to see if that helps you to boot. My bet is that you will be able select another boot kernel that will work for you.

If you do want to download Knoppix then I would suggest that you use the Accelerated Knoppix. The detection is a lot better and faster load/boot.
Old 11-22-2007, 11:36 AM   #4
LQ Newbie
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Hi Redgoblin and onebuck,

Thanks for the response and suggestions..

I actually have knoppix somehwere and forgot about it until you reminded me Redgoblin :-)
Tried it... and still no go.. so that makes FIVE distros that wont work on my PC..
(btw, its a PC, not a laptop) Ive also tried the different boot options (although admittedly not ALL possible options.. 5 distros to test is a lot..)

I was convinced it was a hardware issue so what i did was open up the case and one by one took out all the cards i have.. (only 3 pcis plus 1 agp vid card)

I took out 1) a 56k modem (which I dont need anyway) and tried the different LiveCDs.. no go.
Then I took out 2) a Video Capture card (which i also dont use anymore), still no go

Finally I took out 3) Wireless Lan PCI card (which is the only card i actually do need) and thought it must be it.. still no go!!

The only card I didnt try taking out is my new Nvidia Geforce 6 card (and i remembered Linux didnt boot on this PC months ago when i had my old card in)

I'm really stumped and perplexed... With no cards (except the vid card), the only other hardware components left are the 512 mb ddr memory (two 256mb sticks, different brands and speeds though), the harddisks, the AMD sempron 1.5 ghz processor itself.. or perhaps the MoBo.. its maybe one of these? But as I said, it runs Windows XP with no problems (as long as 1 week uptime with no reboots)

At this point, its not even about using Linux anymore.. i can always run or install it in my 2nd PC (AMD Duron 950 mhz) as soon as i replace its CD drive... its just the MYSTERY of WHATS WRONG is driving me NUTS... :-P

Arrrrgghh.. I give up.. but maybe ill still try that Accelerated Knoppix onebuck suggested.. :-)

Thanks Anyway guys... :-)
Old 11-22-2007, 12:13 PM   #5
Registered: Oct 2007
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(two 256mb sticks, different brands and speeds though)
Well I was going to say check the memory, the first thing would be to pull one stick at a time and try it. I have heard of linux not starting with a bad memory stick and yet windows would load and run just fine.

Or you could run memtest86 for a few hours and see if it detects anything.
Old 11-23-2007, 08:28 AM   #6
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Since you have the Knoppix Livecd you can run the memtest86 from it. The more I think about it, you could have a memory problem.

When you test the system, be sure too close the system back with all the the casing. Run the memtest86 overnight if possible.


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