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Old 03-29-2017, 05:50 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
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Telnet not giving response

telnet is not working Giving error.
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Old 03-29-2017, 05:57 AM   #2
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It is probably being blocked by iptables or nothing is listening on port 80.

Do you have anything set-up/running on port 80, like apache or nginx?

Also if you are gunna screen capture things from windows, at least use the snipping tool rather than giving a screenshot of the entire desktop.
Old 03-29-2017, 11:00 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by r3sistance View Post
It is probably being blocked by iptables or nothing is listening on port 80.

Wouldn't telnet normally be using port 23 ? So for example:

telnet 23
Old 03-29-2017, 11:24 AM   #4
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It was common to use the telnet client to check TCP connections to a server that isn't telnet. As stated it does not appear that anything is currently running on port 80 which is typically a web server. Since the OP has logged into the server the default firewall settings should not be a factor unless they were modified.

From your other post it appears you are running CentOS. Is apache or other web server installed? Try:

service httpd start
Old 03-29-2017, 12:08 PM   #5
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If you are running CentOS, then you need to make sure that telnet is installed (it's not a default) and configured, and then open the firewall for it.

Searching for "centos enable telnet" got me a lot of sites, of which this looks helpful
Old 03-29-2017, 12:30 PM   #6
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With openSUSE, several changes from defaults are required to get the telnet server to respond:
1-systemctl enable xinetd
2-pam-config --add --unix-nullok
3-chkconfig telnet on
4-comment or remove in /etc/pam.d/remote the auth line that includes ignore=ignore

With other distros it may be enough to enable xinetd.
Old 03-29-2017, 12:30 PM   #7
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I just noticed that this is being run remotely while logged into the linux machine over an ssh session from a Windows machine (using PuTTY). Could it be that sshd_config on the remote linux machine is not set up to accept telnet over ssh ?
Old 03-29-2017, 12:37 PM   #8
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vi /etc/hosts
says enough.
Old 03-29-2017, 12:49 PM   #9
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Nope, ssh is not a factor.

The OP is not trying to connect to a telnet server

Last edited by michaelk; 03-29-2017 at 12:50 PM.
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Old 03-29-2017, 01:32 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by michaelk View Post
Nope, ssh is not a factor.

The OP is not trying to connect to a telnet server
All of those referring to a telnetd server or steps to start one, or the PORT it would use: these things have NOTHING to do with the question.

On the server, the user is using telnet NOT to get a session, but to test port 80 listening on localhost
(the loopback port) and the connection is refused. The telnet is working fine, but reporting that nothign is listening on port 80 or that the connection is blocked so it APPEARS nothing is listening on port 80.

OP: please try this command
netstat -an|grep LIST|grep -v ING
and examine the output for some line or lines that include
and yes you could grep for it but this also tells you what else is or is not listening and that may be useful.

If there is nothing listening on port 80, there you go. You need a service (the httpd examples and comments above pertain) listeing on port 80 or that telnet command will always return that result.

I hope that is somewhat more clear. Please let us know what you discover, and how else we can help.


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