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Old 08-01-2003, 01:44 AM   #1
Registered: Jul 2003
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Talking tell me why again

Can someone tell me why is linux better than windows?
im just a newbie and dont know anything about linux
Old 08-01-2003, 01:56 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2003
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well Linux is a lot more stable - it doesn't crash every 5 minutes like most (make that all) Windows releases - even XP crashes for gawd's sake!! Secondly, you don't have to pay out a fortune in your hard earned cash to Microsoft. The availability of software for Linux is growing and really there's no reason to use Windows now. I reckon that's about it m8.
Old 08-01-2003, 02:06 AM   #3
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linux crashes now and then

more to the point

linux isn't stuffed full of spy ware
it does not care what you listen to or watch
it isn't full of adverts

it's rarely the target of virus writers

most software for linux is "free"

it requires a brain to use it
it requires courage and determination to use it

but most of all

microsoft sees us as a threat

how cool is that?
Old 08-01-2003, 02:15 AM   #4
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Microsoft is OS for dummies
Linux is for experts

==> I do not agree that XP crashes every few mins. I know people who have xp and they have no problems with it...
Old 08-01-2003, 02:17 AM   #5
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Originally posted by Jatt_thugz
Microsoft is OS for dummies
Linux is for experts
Or - as a professor during my college time once said - "It's for men, not for children!"

(But he is also the one who answers the question what make is for with "Make makes the make." )
Old 08-01-2003, 02:21 AM   #6
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Linux rocks man!:
Old 08-01-2003, 02:36 AM   #7
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Seems like more of a linux-general post, but I'm not a moderator.

My answer is that it's not just Linux (which, in the simplest terms is a kernel, like the hidden part of Windows that you don't really see), but the whole Open Source package that gives Linux it's appeal. While the above posts are good points, my personal reason is that with Linux and the related open source software that comes with most distributions or is downloadable from the internet, you have a far more powerful system than you typically get with Windows.

For instance, if you want an enterprise class web server, you simply install and setup apache (which a good deal of the internet runs on). No extra costs, licenses, etc. Want to program? Find one of the many IDE's, RAD's, compilers, languages that work with linux, and program away. Again, no extra costs, licensing issues, etc.

I can go on endlessly about the number of things that a linux machine lets you do without incurring the issues that a similar setup with windows can bring. In addition, when you upgrade windows, chances are you'll find yourself upgrading most of your software too, incurring the costs all over again. With linux, you can still purchase software (some of which is truely fantastic), but the choice is up to you. For people just testing the waters with computing in general, it doesn't make sense for them to spend big $$$ on a programming suite, a web publisher, etc., only to find they'd rather just surf the internet and type letters.

Lastly, if you're just curious about what makes computers tick, you can explore that area as deeply as you wish, whether it's source code, or simply the multitude of adjustments you can make with no programming experience at all. Some people deride linux as a hacker's OS, but really, it's an OS for people that want to get things done with as few limitations as possible.
Old 08-01-2003, 03:17 AM   #8
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I use linux becoz I love the community of linux users. We help each others to learn and learn from each others. Isn't that the best thing you would like? And windoz isn't any more user-friendly than linux. My mom doesn't know what the error messages mean when she tried to send me e-mails and that scared her off.
Old 08-01-2003, 03:29 AM   #9
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I've heard even God use Linux to maintain the human lists in the database. And with this database, he process the tasks on the Linux like,

* who should die today in the world,
* whom should he save today,
* If someone pray for something, review his history and decide whether he sould get it or not.
stuffs like that.

And I've also heard that, before linux, he used Windows 2000 Server. But in september 11, he couldn't save the innocent ppl when Osama attacked because his Win2000 server had been crashed.
So he decideded to switch to Linux after that.
Old 08-01-2003, 04:04 AM   #10
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Yeah, koyi, that's probably the best reason of all!

(if you find religous humor offensive, skip the rest of this post)

moeminhtun: Let me tell you, the rumors are true, but some of the facts have been messed up. I'm stating this on first hand experience, too. (I was dead, but God tossed me back. Apparently, I haven't spread enough of the Linux gospel yet. )

First of all, his system is Linux. Apparently, at one time this guy named Lucifer installed Windows, but it didn't work, and god punished him for it. It's just something I heard, so I can't verify it completely.

He (or she; "it" sounds a little weird to my ears) needs the power and stability of linux to process all the prayers from the six billion of us down here on earth, not to mention other planet's populations. You should see the hardware he's got running. Apparently it's cooled by angel's wingbeats.

Anyway, between lists of souls (also known as inventory), and prayers (delightfully called spam), there is a lot of information to process. Add in other, more mundane, everyday items (like the movements of everything in the universe), and even you can understand why he's dying to send a bolt up Gate's, Ballmer's, and Mcbride's butts when they claim Linux isn't ready for the enterprise. (For the record, he thinks it's a waste of perfectly good ionized air.)

The 9/11 thing is just an unhealthy rumor. Actually, it was caused by a careless clerk that mistyped virginians as virgins. Apparently, each of Osama's followers are now spending eternity with 72 former Washington D.C. politicians. He would have sent out a special bulletin, but he figured anybody with half a brain would realize that there weren't 72 virgins on the planet, much less 72 for each nutjob out there.

As for who dies and gets saved, well, I couldn't get a straight answer. Dying seems to be due to bit errors (he skimped on the RAM, which also explains a lot of other things), and who gets saved wasn't really an issue. It seems the difference between heaven and hell is negligible, both are the same place. The difference is that information is freely available, so anything you want to know about the person you're near is at your fingertips. Of course, for most of us, that would be hell enough.

Last edited by scott_R; 08-01-2003 at 04:07 AM.
Old 08-01-2003, 04:37 AM   #11
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Originally posted by scott_R
First of all, his system is Linux. Apparently, at one time this guy named Lucifer installed Windows, but it didn't work, and god punished him for it. It's just something I heard, so I can't verify it completely.
And here I thought that snake Lucifer used an Apple back then ...
Old 08-01-2003, 05:01 AM   #12
Registered: Apr 2003
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Originally posted by Jatt_thugz
==> I do not agree that XP crashes every few mins. I know people who have xp and they have no problems with it...

i can't say for sure because i don't know these particular individuals but in my opinion i would have to say that they just experience LESS problems than with previous versions of windows
because i personally have seen complete meltdowns with windows xp
maybe i just know a lot of people who have screwed up computers..
but then again isn't anything that runs windows screwed up? :P
Old 08-01-2003, 12:01 PM   #13
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STOP 0X<insert random hex here>

XP does melt down at least once a week for me. Whenever I try to use my box to the fullest extent, it dies. If I'm just surfing the web... no problems. Play heavy graphics/sound intensive games.... IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
They push the blame off on the hardware vendor. They claim that the driver needs to be updated(No new driver yet for my HW that is less than 2 months old).
Old 08-01-2003, 12:34 PM   #14
Registered: May 2003
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have i reached a wrong place?.i thought this was a forum for discussing bits of technical things.never mind...

Well,linux is Stable and Secure.(atleast,much better than other available os's)(Only if u have configured it rightly).It makes use of the multyuser-multytasking property of UNIX
very well,and u can add ur bits to the os if u know coding.Also,it gives the computer students an oppertunity to understand how an OS is coded,how it works etc.Nowadays,u can do almost everything u does on other OS's in linux.
So,once got configured right,it is the best OS.Also it is the fastest growing OS (for the past 3 years ,i think).Also is really cute..

Last edited by arunshivanandan; 08-01-2003 at 12:40 PM.


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