Ahh, dependancy problems, the bane of redhat installations. This is what I usually do, not having the redhat CD's on hand:
Go to rpmfind.net, download the RPM that I need (gcc for redhat 9 in your case).
Try to install it ( rpm -Uvh filename.rpm ). When it errors out, write down what other RPM's it's expecting, and go to rpmfind.net and find those, download, wash, rinse, repeat. I find that if I end up going more than 3 depths down trying to resolve dependencies, I just give up and reinstall, and click the "install everything" button. Your mileage may vary.
In short, yes, you're missing gcc. The configure script (./configure) figures out what kind of system environment it should expect when it comes time to compile. The first thing a lot of configure scripts check is whether or not gcc exists. If not, it doesn't bother trying to figure out how to compile something.
If you can download a binary package for your card (one that requires no compilation), that would be a good bet. Search redhat's site, see if there's anything available there on it.
If you get frustrated with dependancies, consider debian or gentoo.