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Old 01-29-2010, 06:05 PM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jan 2010
Posts: 1

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Syslinux 3.11 Ebios Boot Error

Hello I am curious if anyone can help me with a JumpDrive booting issue.
I have a vending machine(kiddie ride) that runs a game on a jumpdrive with Syslinux loaded. We have a bunch of these games and it seems that we are getting a lot of Bios boot error's now. I can send this machine (computer and jumpdrive)to the manufacture for a repair which costs a fortune in shipping for the company says the computer and jumpdrives are personalized. (I was informed that they match the stick to the computer on first boot before they issue these out to companies???)
Now I would like to find a fix for this issue without doing the shipping option. The games are not under warranty anymore and I'm new to linux but do have an It tech available to help.
We have tried to format the jumpdrive with an updated version of syslinux and then copied all files to the drive.
After attemping this fix we have got the stick to boot, but now it hangs on the game loading screen.
Any ideas would be great.


help, syslinux

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