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Old 06-04-2012, 10:42 AM   #1
LQ Newbie
Registered: Jun 2012
Posts: 7

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SVN: Version Mismatch?

Being thrust uncomfortably into the welcoming arms of Linux (specifically the Novell Suse Linux Enterprise 11 64-bit), I have installed Subclipse on Eclipse. However, when I try to execute the command: svnadmin --version

I am plagued with the errors:

svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_delta': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_fs': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_repos': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_subr': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7

Per established protocol, I assume I am the one at fault and not the gentle creature called Linux. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I have searched these forums and found one who has been in the same position as I:

The answer received, however, seems incomprehensible to me, quite like learning cursive in first grade.

Woohoo, found the solution myself. Thanks!

Basically, I just went to my lib folder (mine was in /usr/local/lib) and deleted all the files that started with libsvn. After that, running any svnadmin worked perfectly. I do not know why this even works, I'd assume that you'd have had to replace the libsvn's with new ones but apparently not.

Last edited by joshualan; 06-05-2012 at 12:11 PM. Reason: Found the solution.
Old 06-05-2012, 02:49 AM   #2
LQ Guru
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Hello and welcome to LinuxQuestions,

Would you mind sharing your solution so that others in a similar situation can see if it works for them? In doing so, you'll truly be in sync with the sharing mentality of the LQ community. Thanks in advance.

Looking forward to your participation in the forums. Have fun with Linux.

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