Being thrust uncomfortably into the welcoming arms of Linux (specifically the Novell Suse Linux Enterprise 11 64-bit), I have installed Subclipse on Eclipse. However, when I try to execute the command: svnadmin --version
I am plagued with the errors:
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_delta': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_fs': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_repos': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
svnadmin: Version mismatch in 'svn_subr': found 1.4.4, expected 1.5.7
Per established protocol, I assume I am the one at fault and not the gentle creature called Linux. Does anyone know how to fix this?
I have searched these forums and found one who has been in the same position as I:
The answer received, however, seems incomprehensible to me, quite like learning cursive in first grade.
Woohoo, found the solution myself. Thanks!
Basically, I just went to my lib folder (mine was in /usr/local/lib) and deleted all the files that started with libsvn. After that, running any svnadmin worked perfectly. I do not know why this even works, I'd assume that you'd have had to replace the libsvn's with new ones but apparently not.