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Old 02-17-2005, 09:48 PM   #1
Registered: Feb 2005
Distribution: linux mandrake 10.0
Posts: 40

Rep: Reputation: 15
Suse Remote Desktop

Ok, I now have SUSE 9.1 desktop setup on my compaq 466mhz. It is running perfectly and very smoothly. Can someone help me to figure out how to set it up where I can access it from my 633mhz emachine running winME? I was thinking I could access it through telnet, but not sure. I attempted to connect to its IP address, not sure what the port address would be. Saw someone where the normal port address is 3386 or 3368, something similar to one of these. I am not sure if I could access it this way or not though. I am just trying to get in to the text module of my SUSE box. I have KDE running on it atm. The box is on and the graphic desktop is up, but all I want is the text console. If I can access the graphic KDE, I am sure I could manuver around and get the console up to mess with it. I am just wanting to do this so that I can practice/learn linux at from my box. I have a link that gives several exercises to practice with, but the SUSE box is at my parents house and my winME box is at my house.
Any help for this ?¿?
Old 02-20-2005, 05:59 AM   #2
Registered: Jun 2004
Location: Reading, UK
Distribution: SUSE 9.1, SUSE 9.2, SUSE 9.3, Knoppix 3.8, Gentoo 2005.0, cygwn, colinux
Posts: 100

Rep: Reputation: 15

If you just want a console, then use ssh. 9.1 installs it automatically, and it is much more secure than telnet. Then, download putty from onto your me machine, and use it to connect to your linux box (port 22, ssh).

If you want a full graphical interface, install vnc from YaST2. Then open up a console, and type vncserver :1. This will prompt you for a password to have access to the computer. Then you can open up your me web browser and type in your_ip:5801 and it will give you your remote desktop.

Hope this helps


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